Healing Prayer Sessions

Apply for Healing Prayer​
To apply please download the document
below and mail it to:
Christian Healing Center of New England, Inc.
P.O. Box 888
Ashburnham, MA 01430
What Are They
and Am I Ready for One?​
The Healing prayer ministry provides in depth prayer sessions in which two trained prayer minsters work with one prayer recipient. They typically meet once
a week until the healing is complete. Sessions can run for several months. All information shared in the session is confidential.
James 5:16 says “confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective.” Healing prayer ministers help prayer recipients discover and lift to God those
broken areas in their lives that need healing. We are prayer ministers not counselors or advisors.
In depth healing prayer is a process. It takes commitment and work on the prayer recipient’s part. The prayer recipient needs to be willing to see the truth, to be willing to work through his or her brokenness, and to have a desire to be healed
by Jesus. He is “the way, the truth and the life.” The prayer recipient may need to stop doing harmful, unhealthy things and or go back and address traumas in his or her life and bring them to Jesus for healing.
A person is ready for in depth healing when he or she says things like:
I cannot go on this way anymore and I am willing to do whatever it takes to change: I have come to the end of myself and am dissatisfied and desperate to change
I have tried everything I know about prayer and cannot seem to get past theses issues
Any time will work for me
I will arrange my schedule to be able to do a session
I am willing to travel for a session as it is my priority
The prayer team expects a serious commitment from a prayer recipient. When a prayer recipient commits to in depth healing prayer, we expect that they will consistently be there for each appointment.
Any person seeking prayer may contact Rev. Donna Slocum, Executive Director of CHC at 978-413-7187